
Power Animals Power Animals

Penguins Live Together Well

If your power animal is the penguin, you have the ability to create anything and everything you choose in life. You are precise, resilient, and ambitious. You are great at analysis, problem solving, and inventing new ways of thinking since you have a superb memory for details. You are polite, proper, and never forget your manners. You’re a very caring, patient, and protective parent. You understand the concept of teamwork and utilize it constantly.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Turtle is a Animal with Deep Meaning

The turtle’s slow speed, protective shell, and long life have resulted in them being associated with emotional, mental, and physical states of being that we humans can relate to. They represent intuitive development, strength, courage, protection, wisdom, patience, determination, and receptivity. Turtles are often associated with the interconnectedness of our planet, including awareness of how to take care of our environment.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Monkey is Very Creative

The ingenuous monkey has creative problem-solving skills. They examine anything and everything that crosses their path. Monkeys have a fondness for practical jokes including mimicking the movements and habits of other animals. interact and bond in tight knit communities. They love adventure and are very curious, finding recreation in the smallest things. Monkeys typically work together to take care of the young and enjoy hugging and grooming each other.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Lizard Has the Best Perception

Lizards naturally recognize opportunity or danger and can move swiftly on offense or defense. They are normally relaxed but when it’s time to act, they are decisive and quick. Lizards are solitary and like to sit quietly and enjoy their surroundings. They know how to blend in with their environment. The lizard is a symbol of feeling, awareness, and perception

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Bee Is the Busiest Insect

The bee is highly organized, efficient, and meticulous. Amazingly, though they work hard, they take time to smell the flowers and enjoy the sweetness of life. busy bee knows how to gets the job done and is the number 1 insect at creating highly valued products. Their consistent service has been around a long time, ensuring humanity’s survival. The bee is a symbol of fertility, perseverance, self-sacrifice, and prosperity. Their message, work hard but don’t forget to enjoy life.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Grasshopper Gets Around

Grasshoppers rarely stay in one place long as they are always seeking new opportunities to move forward. They do need time to process their ideas but when they’re ready, they move fast, usually in an unpredictable way. The courageous grasshoppers literally make progress by leaps and bounds. Though not everyone in the world appreciates grasshoppers, though they have absolute faith in their divine intuition.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Hummingbird Is Magical

The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. There are over 300 species of hummingbirds and among many indigenous people they are thought to possess magical and healing powers. These fairy looking creatures are strong, swift, and migrate long distances. Hummingbirds are skillful flyers and have beautiful plumage like a rainbow. Their wings beat so fast they’re invisible to the human eye. A hummingbird is named for the humming sound its wingbeats make while flying and hovering. They can move in any direction and can go from high speed to a full stop in an instant.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Dolphin Gets Around

There are 41 species of dolphins that can be found all over the world, mostly in warmer waters. Dolphins are not fish but warm-blooded mammals that need to come up to breathe. They are good swimmers and feed largely on small fish and squid. They have excellent vision and hearing in and out of the water. The social dolphin communicates very effectively, producing a wide variety of sounds in the form of clicks, squeals, and whistles. Dolphins learn quickly and enjoy sharing information. They have a built-in sonar or echolocation system to sense everything around them.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Crab Gets Around

Crabs are found in all the world’s oceans and have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. There are over 6,000 species of crabs of all sizes and shapes, 850 which are freshwater. Crabs have 10 legs and a complex behavior pattern. They feed primarily on algae and plankton. Their large eyes are made up of tiny lenses that are set on eyestalks. Besides their excellent vision, crabs can walk well in all directions, especially sideways. Crabs communicate by rubbing certain body parts together to makes sounds and by waving their pincers. When they grow, they climb out of their shell in a process called molting. The crab can disguise itself to avoid confrontation but are strong and fierce to defend themselves.

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The Rabbit Is a Quiet Trickster

There are over 29 species of rabbits found on all continents except Antarctica. They are vegetarian, hop around, and love to multiply. Rabbits can produce two to five litters of young per year. They have long ears to hear distant dangers and an almost 360-degree field of vision. They can be found in tall grasses and have a knack for not being seen.

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The Tiger Is the #1 Predator

Today, there are 6 species of tigers located primarily in eastern Russia, China, and Southwest Asia. They are the largest cat in the world with some weighing over 600 lbs. Tigers are solitary and territorial, requiring large stretches of habitat. They swim well, have excellent night vision, and can leap more than 10’. Tigers prey on hoofed animals and as an apex predator don’t have any natural enemies except man.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Snake Keeps Renewing Itself

Although snakes can be troubling at times, they bring positive, healing messages. They are symbols of transformation, life, death, rebirth, creativity, wisdom, and awareness. Whether it’s on the physical or spiritual level, the snake helps us to face and overcome our fears.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Ant Is a Responsible Team Member

Ants have been around for over 100 million years. They’ve survived all of earth’s changes through the different epochs. Today, there are over 15,000 ant species and over 10 quadrillion ants living on the planet. That’s a lot of ants, yet we hardly notice them.

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Power Animals Power Animals

The Eagle Is God’s Messenger

Fearless and brave, the eagle is aware of everything around them. They glide far and wide for hours to see the whole picture. Eagles are confident and bold with an excellent sense of timing. Intense and decisive, they know when, where, and how to take advantage of new opportunities. The wise eagle believes everything will work out in their favor.

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The Bear Is Gentle & Fierce

Bears prefer roaming and doing things alone. They are remarkably intelligent, confident, and strong willed. Quick and agile, the bear pursues whatever they want. They are usually shy and gentle but are also tough and fierce. Bears are extremely protective of their loved ones, especially a mother with her cubs. They have little desire to be confrontational but will defend themselves fearlessly if necessary.

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The Giraffe Is Tall and Graceful

As the world’s tallest animal, their long neck and legs allows them to see far and wide. Giraffes are friendly, kind, and optimistic. They love to travel, seek adventure, and share their experiences. Giraffes are graceful and have very strong ties to their family. Their excellent sight, smell, and hearing knows what’s on the horizon.

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The Elephant Never Forgets

Confident and persistent, elephants are born leaders. They know how to plow through difficulties. Many cultures honor them for their qualities of cooperation, endurance, and long life. They are extremely social and lend their enormous power to whoever needs it. Elephants are very loyal and devoted to their family and friends.

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The Swan is Loyal and Elegant

There are six species of swans around the world. The Black Swan, Black-Necked Swan, Mute Swan, Tundra Swan, Whooper Swan, and the Trumpeter Swan. North America is home to the trumpeter swan. They have long, graceful necks and feed on soft water plants. With their black bills, feet, and legs, white feathers, and almost 8-foot wingspan, they are world’s largest waterfowl. The swan prefers colder climates and their habitat includes wetlands, lakes, estuaries, and marshes.

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The Agile Cheetah Has Stealth and Speed

The cheetah is the fastest land animal. The cheetah is mostly active during the day and hunting is a major preoccupation. There are five subspecies of this big cat. It is slim and has muscular, long legs, a small, rounded head that is set on a long neck, a flexible spine, a deep chest, special pads on its feet for traction, and a long tail for balance. It is also the only cat that cannot retract its claws, an adaptation to help maintain traction like a soccer player’s cleats.

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Power Animals Power Animals

Without the Horse We Wouldn’t Be Where We Are Today

Horses have roamed the planet for over 50 million years. Their history with man goes back to their domestication around 4000 B.C. Almost all horses today are domesticated but were descended from extinct wild horses. Presently, there are over 60 million horses and 400 breeds of horses. Before the horse was domesticated, humans were earthbound, slow, and not so mobile.

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