The Grasshopper Gets Around


Grasshoppers have been around for millions of years and there are about 600 species in the United States. They have large compound eyes on the sides of their head which give them a broad field of vision. They also have a pair of antennae containing smell and touch receptors, strong jaws, and 2 pairs of wings. Incredibly, grasshoppers have resilient legs and can jump nearly twenty times their body length. They can be still one moment and out of sight in the next.

Although small, grasshoppers are determined and consistently move forward to pursue their goals. They use their instincts to capture the exact moment that will give the greatest benefit. Grasshoppers don’t make slow and steady progress like turtles. Instead, they jump quickly at new ventures that come their way. Grasshoppers rarely stay in one place long as they are always seeking new opportunities to move forward. They do need time to process their ideas but when they’re ready, they move fast, usually in an unpredictable way. The courageous grasshoppers literally make progress by leaps and bounds. Though not everyone in the world appreciates grasshoppers, though they have absolute faith in their divine intuition. The independent grasshopper symbolizes good luck, prosperity, and joy. Their message: take a leap of faith by making bold decisions and actions to pursue your dreams.


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