The Bee Is the Busiest Insect


Bees live in colonies of 20 to 80,000 bees where there is only 1 active queen bee. The others are female workers and male drones. They are well-known for working harmoniously together and sharing their gifts of honey and beeswax. There are thousands of species of bees around the planet that pollinate 80% of all flowering plants, including more than 130 fruits and vegetables.

Bees work diligently and possess boundless energy to reach their goals. They are essential in the development of their ecosystems, always improving their environment. Bees take their responsibilities seriously and will make any sacrifice necessary to accomplish them. Their determination, creativity, and teamwork lend to their increased productivity. When it comes to results, no one can outdo the bee. The bee is highly organized, efficient, and meticulous. Amazingly, though they work hard, they take time to smell the flowers and enjoy the sweetness of life.

The busy bee knows how to gets the job done and is the number 1 insect at creating highly valued products. Their consistent service has been around a long time, ensuring humanity’s survival. The bee is a symbol of fertility, perseverance, self-sacrifice, and prosperity. Their message, work hard but don’t forget to enjoy life.


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