This website is dedicated to St. Francis, the patron saint of animals.
Francis saw animals as his brothers and sisters and prayed that God would work through him to help them. Birds sometimes gathered while Francis spoke and listened to him. Francis began preaching to them about the ways that God had blessed them. St. Francis built bonds of love with all creatures and treated them as his brothers and sisters.
Everyone loves and appreciates animals. Power or spirit animals protect us with their love, support, and guidance. The more we learn about them, the more we can believe in ourselves by appreciating our own divinity.
After connecting with your power animal you can have a virtual 24/7 companion. Your power animal is familiar with your innate nature so it is like having a soul mate who befriends, and protects you. It will give you added peace of mind especially during turbulent times.
As it says in Job 12: 7-8: “Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you.”
Tony Scazzero
I have been giving power animal readings for the last 7 years. Individually, for friends and customers, at meetings for boy scouts, churches, businesses, non-profits, and holiday events. My confidence in this God-given gift has grown enough that I reached a point where I felt I have to share it. Poweranimals.info is to improve peoples’ lives by getting them in touch with their inner self and their life’s purpose. The power animals have much to offer and teach each person including connecting with God’s spirit of love. When we are humble and willing to learn from them an astonishing world opens up to help us fulfill our true potential.