Without the Horse We Wouldn’t Be Where We Are Today


Horses have roamed the planet for over 50 million years. Their history with man goes back to their domestication around 4000 B.C. Almost all horses today are domesticated but were descended from extinct wild horses. Presently, there are over 60 million horses and 400 breeds of horses. Before the horse was domesticated, humans were earthbound, slow, and not so mobile. After people climbed on the horse’s back and learned to ride, they were able to carry things much further than ever before. The horse changed humanity’s sense of distance, speed and clearly made their world smaller. No other animal can match the contributions that the horse made for human civilization. Humanity owes a debt of gratitude to the horse.

Horses are born to socialize, communicate, move, and chew on a near constant basis. The nature of the horse is to move and graze with others day and night. Horses are essentially protective of the members of their herd and are loyal to their owner because they consider them part of their herd or even their only family. The horse will bear a weight tirelessly for someone they believe in. When the horse decides on something they move with tremendous speed to attain it. Yet, they can’t be pushed around or do what they don’t want to. Amazingly, horses form deep companionships with not only their own species, but with many other animals.

Horses can have fast reflexes, can sleep standing up, possess a nearly 360-degree vision, and are highly intelligent. Their bodies are powerful, living machines that can work all day, powered only by grass. They have the ability to understand and obey subtle commands. The horse exemplifies independence, strength, and endurance. They have supreme confidence with almost boundless energy. In fact, the horse has a strong ability and drive to overcome just about any challenge. The indominable spirit of the horse loves to ride the winds of change so they became eventually became part of many cultures’ history, where they are sometimes worshipped almost like deity. The horse clearly symbolizes freedom and can help us to dash to our potential. So, when you’re ready to ride into the sunset, connect with the spirit of the horse.


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