The Agile Cheetah Has Stealth and Speed

The cheetah is the fastest land animal. The cheetah is mostly active during the day and hunting is a major preoccupation. There are five subspecies of this big cat. It is slim and has muscular, long legs, a small, rounded head that is set on a long neck, a flexible spine, a deep chest, special pads on its feet for traction, and a long tail for balance. It is also the only cat that cannot retract its claws, an adaptation to help maintain traction like a soccer player’s cleats. The cheetah’s keen binocular vision picks up the slightest movement as they scan the grassland. Its spotted coat keeps it well camouflaged while lounging under a bush, and its shape and coat-color allow it to meld into tall, dry grasses. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals like antelope, gazelles, wild hares, impalas, and ground birds. When stalking prey, cheetahs get as close to the animal as possible. They then use their speed to outrun the prey. The average lifespan of cheetahs ranges from 10 to 20 years. The lives of cheetahs are threatened by the predatory encroachment of eagles, hyenas, lions, humans, and high susceptibility to diseases.

If the cheetah is your power animal, you usually get your way since you are affectionate, versatile, intuitive, observant, and receptive to new ideas. You have very quick reflexes and can move swiftly whenever you need to. You are known for your speed and can easily outpace your competitors. Your independent nature and killer instinct make you a force to be reckoned with. You have great empathy and know exactly how to respond to the hurt, pain, and suffering of others. You are fearless in the art of tough love and will tell it exactly as it is. You enjoy your solitude and are very choosy who you trust and bond with. Creative, intelligent, and curious, you have the capacity for high levels of both artistic and mathematical skill. The cheetah knows how to focus sharply for brief periods of time. The cheetah responds quickly to both the opportunities and dangers in life. The cheetah energy is sensitive and quick.


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