The Ant Is a Responsible Team Member


Ants have been around for over 100 million years. They’ve survived all of earth’s changes through the different epochs. Today, there are over 15,000 ant species and over 10 quadrillion ants living on the planet. That’s a lot of ants, yet we hardly ever notice them.

Ants have different colors, 6 legs, elbowed antennae, strong jaws, and a distinguishing node-like structure that forms their waists. Ants can lift more than 50 to 100x their body weight and can handle a substantial daily workload. The ant is an ambitious, hard worker that willing sacrifices for the colony. They’re highly adaptive and tenacious in facing any challenge. Even though they seem tireless, they take over 200 one-minute naps a day. Ants know how to work collectively as a team and are willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.

The ant’s success has been attributed to their social organization, their ability to modify their habitats, and their capacity to defend themselves. They are meticulous in getting things done and have an instinctive awareness of the colony’s overall purpose. They communicate by using their antennae, body language, and scent. Ant societies are well-interconnected through excellent networking, divisions of labor, and the ability to solve complex problems. Highly organized and cohesive ant colonies can grow to 8 million strong.

The ant is a symbol of self-discipline and planning. They may be small, but the ant is incredibly smart and strong. They know how to be a responsible team player without getting any recognition. The tiny ant displays the huge virtues of cooperation, patience, and humility. The power ant can help guide anyone to accomplish their purpose and goal.


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