The Most Dependable Animal Under Pressure

Llamas are graceful, gentle, shy, and curious. They are also very social, intelligent, and easily trained. Llamas are calm which make them easy for anyone, even children, to handle. Llamas are grass eaters and they need the companionship of their own kind. They have an exaggerated territorial nature and are known to spit at each other in self-defense. Though they have a strong social presence with herd mates, their individual demeanor is detached and aloof. They do not like physical touching among themselves or even with their own offspring beyond nursing contact. Llamas have a striking beauty owing to their elegant wool and graceful posture. They are both friendly and quirky. Llamas come in all sizes and shapes. They can be good pets although in South America they are still used for beasts of burden, fiber production, and meat.

If the llama is your power animal, you are gentle, easy-going, and a great companion in any relationship. You are persistent, adaptable, and able to endure considerably stressful and challenging environmental situations with no ill effects. You have a strong connection to the environment and its subtle changes. You are generous in service to others and thrive in group settings. You willingly take on any burden to accomplish your objective. You often forget to serve yourself and sometimes tend to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You have a calm, cool exterior but are a whirlwind on the inside. If treated unfairly you will make it clear that you are not pleased and will defend yourself aggressively. The llama is the example of dedication and dependability.



The Humorous Puffin is a Great Swimmer and Flyer


The Smartest and Most Playful in the Ocean