The Humorous Puffin is a Great Swimmer and Flyer

The puffin is a short and stocky diving sea bird about 12 inches in length with a wingspan of 20-24 inches. It is black on its upper sides and white on its chest and belly. It has bright orange webbed feet; a white face and cheeks; and a large, triangular parrot-like bill that is bright red and yellow. Puffins are great swimmers and fast flyers. They spend most of their life out at sea, resting on the waves, coming ashore only to breed. They select precipitous, rocky cliff tops to build their nests, which they line with feathers or grass. There colonies are mostly on islands with no terrestrial predators. On land they waddle like a penguin, teetering slightly from side to side. They are excellent swimmers that use their wings to stroke underwater with a flying motion.  Puffin is typically silent at sea, except for soft purring sounds it sometimes makes in flight. 

If the puffin is your power animal, you are very imaginative and have the ability to express yourself in a creative way. You dive deep into the mysterious realms of your psyche to bring forth inspiration. Whatever work you’re doing, you’re generally playful and peaceful while you’re at it. You maintain a good sense of humor and enjoy having fun. You have an active spiritual life and tend to live for a very long time. You have a powerful and accurate sense of intuition that would be invaluable in any field of endeavor. The puffin understands the feeling and impact of parental or child neglect. Nevertheless, the puffin life is well-lived and enjoyed because they have their lifetime partners and children that they work hard to provide for. The puffin likes to live near water. The puffin is peaceful, playful, and humorous.


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