To Run Like the Gentle Deer is Magical

Characteristics typical of deer include long, powerful legs, a diminutive tail, and long ears. Most deer are active throughout the day, though their most active times are during sunrise and dusk. They spend their days foraging for food eating only vegetation. Deer can jump up to 10 ft. high and are very good swimmers. As deer eyes are on the side of their head, they have a 310 degree vision span. Deer also have very good night vision which is particularly useful at dawn and dusk when they are most active. Deer are very social and travel in groups called herds. The herd is often led by a dominant male, though with some species the herds are segregated by sex. The requirement for nutrients and energy has severe repercussions on the ability of the deer to survive. It confines deer to relatively productive habitats, excluding them from deserts, dry grasslands, and landscapes without nutrients. They have been described as a keystone species because their feeding activity can directly and indirectly affect many plants and animals. The deer possesses grace and beauty and are well-known for being calm and gentle. 

If your power animal is the deer, you are very compassionate, kind, and loving person. You are swift to accomplish your goals and are very peace loving. You seek a quiet and simple life in the company of congenial people. You’re highly sensitive, intuitive, and are often aware of the feelings of others. You have a propensity to see new innocence and freshness in life as you constantly feel the lure of new adventures. You maintain a balance of the masculine traits of mastery, authority, and protection with the feminine characteristics of love, nourishment, and surrender. The deer highly values friendship and loyalty and will stop at nothing to make things right. The deer uses the power of tenderness to touch the hearts and minds of the wounded. The deer brings harm to no one and is an enduring symbol of peace on earth. 


Strength and Courage Are Qualities of the Tiger


No One Is as Strong as an Ox