Strength and Courage Are Qualities of the Tiger

The tiger, the largest of all cats, is a symbol of strength and poise. Their most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. They are territorial and solitary in nature. They maintain control over their territories by continuously patrolling them. Their social system is connected through visual signals, scent marks, and vocalizations. Tigers have hair all over their body to insulate, protect and camouflage themselves in their habitat. A tiger is solitary in nature, marking out its territory and defending it from other tigers. In order for it to survive and thrive in its own habitat, the tiger has powerful physical features including razor-sharp teeth and muscular legs. The tiger survival skills include strong eyesight which allows it to see clearly in the daytime. During the nighttime, the tiger can see six times more clearly than humans. This is why it will often hunt for prey at night. Tigers are found in several habitats, but they prefer dense forest underbrush and tall grasses which allows them to sneak up on their prey. They are very elusive and are rarely seen by humans. The tiger knows when to attack.

If your power animal is the tiger you are adventurous, powerful, and enjoy life to the fullest. You are a supremely confident individual and are fiercely persistent when attaining your goals.  Your courage, bold spirit, and vitality attract many admirers. You never give up or back down easily. You are independent but keenly observant of everything around you. You enjoy the outdoors and playing sports, particularly ones that are physically demanding. You are strong-willed and once you have made up your mind there is no changing it - however you do take time to balance all possibilities before deciding. You benefit from solitude and having a quiet place to retreat to if things get too stressful. The tiger is not afraid to take risks as long as they are passionate about what they are fighting for. The tiger likes to follow their instinct with raw power. The tiger is a symbol for patience and fearlessness. 


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