No One Is as Strong as an Ox

Oxen are large and incredible creatures that survive in the brutal conditions of the arctic tundra.  Musk ox are herbivores—eating grass, willows, seeds and berries. In order to find food in the winters, musk oxen will dig into the snow with their hooves and noses. The ox finds nutrients easily during the summer months when they can enjoy tasty grasses and seasonal wild flowers. Oxen herd together. In the winters the herds range from about 12 to 24 members. In the summer the herds spread out a bit, reducing in numbers to about 8 to 20. Oxen are usually yoked in pairs. Light work such as carting household items might require one pair, while for heavier work, further pairs would be added as necessary. Oxen can pull heavier loads for a longer period of time than horses depending on weather conditions. They have more stamina and are less excitable than horses. Oxen are known for their dependability, strength, and determination. 

If the ox is your power animal, you are strong, persistent, reliable, loyal, sincere, patient, and honest. In addition, you’re methodical, conservative, and good with your hands. You have the innate ability to learn new information with no trouble. You find strength in numbers and enjoy being around friends and family. You’re very protective of children and expect others to support you in your staunch protectiveness. You never back down from a challenge and your strength comes from your many years of endurance. Whatever doesn’t defeat you only makes you stronger since breaking down is not an option. A responsible member of your community, the ox seeks the best for everyone and always “pulls its own weight.” What they believe in is the real strength of an ox. The ox is a symbol of power, prosperity, fertility, and stubbornness.


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