Who Knows More, People or Animals?

Our power animal finds great joy in working with us and experiencing life through our senses. When we come to respect and appreciate our animal companion, we will naturally gain an insight and love that can greatly benefit us. With a relaxed, yet perceptive mind and heart we can learn much about ourself and our abilities. Once we know our power animal is always with us, we can have a new confidence.

Power animals teach us 24/7 in our dreams, meditation, or in everyday reality. They are always trying to get our attention to give us inspiring messages or understandings. Their lessons may be precise or they may be giving clues to point us in the right direction. With practice, we can learn how to find the best outcomes. It does requires personal thinking and effort to learn from it.

Based on our background and life experiences each of us has a different frame of reference to learn about the transcendent reality of power animals. Regardless of our knowledge, there are now many websites, articles, books, and YouTube videos about this amazing subject. The universe is teaching each person according to their openness and desire to know. Power animals have the capacity to awaken within their human counterpart a deep authenticity that they possess within themselves.

When we find the heart of the animals being greater than our own, it naturally brings a heart of humility and even repentance. We should not only recognize the deep love and wisdom of the animal kingdom but the sacrifices they have undergone. Power animals are here to inspire us how to connect with our God-given qualities that are latent within. We should feel a deep gratitude as our personal power increases with the help of our newfound animal friend. When connected with our power animals, we can feel more fulfilled and loved.

Power animals are essential for our spiritual growth because of their strong connection to the Creator. Throughout history, only a small percentage of people were able to appreciate their purpose and influence. However, as time marches on, people are able to appreciate and understand the physical and spiritual support that animals bring. Incredibly, people are beginning to realize that since animals have been here a long time, they know more about life. As humanity communicates more freely, even telepathically, with the animals they are awakened to this new found reality.


The Transformative Power of Your Power Animal


The Beauty of Animal Friendship