The Beauty of Animal Friendship

Just because animals do not think, behave, or act as we do, does not mean they are any less essential. If we are to mature spiritually, we need to acknowledge their right to exist in their own way. They are part of the family of the planet earth and we should try to appreciate their roles and gifts. Our friendships should extend beyond the human species. When there is inter-species communication, new worlds open up.

Pet owners know the beautiful relationship that develops from friendship with their pets. Animals such as dogs and cats give back a hundred-fold without reservation. They do not judge others based on where they’re from or what their personality is. They love just because. They know when their human isn’t feeling well and try to comfort them. It doesn’t matter whether the illness is emotional or physical, they have the ability to send good healing vibrations. Having an animal friend is an amazing experience of unconditional love.

Similarly, a good power animal will help you feel better and to cope with a difficult situation. They just seem to know where you’re at and what you need. Working with your power animal is a great source of friendship, strength, and wisdom. They are the ultimate service animal due to their unconditional support and love. In fact, they have the traits and qualities necessary to deepen and widen our hearts. The only challenging part is learning to get on the same wavelength and listening to them more deeply.

Over time, as we learn more about the reality of power animals, we can emulate their traits. With this new friendship, a new confidence comes and we become infused with their energy. In this age of social distancing it is good to know that our power animal is always with us. Even if we take them for granted, they are with us. Humanity’s consciousness can be elevated to a new level when they become aware of their existence. Power animals are one of the invisible realities in life.


Who Knows More, People or Animals?


Animals and People Need Each Other