The Transformative Power of Your Power Animal

Most people do not realize they have a link to the spirit world through their power animal. Connecting with your power animal naturally connects you with the astral realm. A power animal is like a guardian angel that presents itself in the form of an animal. When we unite with the essence of that power animal, we enter a new energy level and a new consciousness. Once the bond is made, there is a new reality that is very transforming. We begin to formulate a level of awareness in which we feel a oneness with the web of life.

When we became “civilized” we began to lose our closeness to the animal kingdom. Nonetheless, the power animals have compassion and want to make a relationship with humanity. Since they are connected to the Source and to all of nature when we bond with a power animal, we can feel a connection to the whole. It is a magical process of elevating our consciousness to a spiritual realm where everything is very much alive.

Power animals guide beyond the material world. They are standing at the portal of an invisible reality involving time and space. When you are given a vision by your power animal, you are taken out of your body and lifted away from the physical dimension. Those who seek to enrich their lives through the transformative power of their power animals travel on a metaphysical pathway. It is a sublime path where you can feel more alive and intertwined with the universe.

When your power animal enters your life, you look at things from a different perspective. They become a conduit or channel to your higher self. Things that used to be important may not be so important now. Somehow, a door is open to the unconscious and quietly guides you. Having a power animal provides ‘natural’ insight although it may go against existing traditions. It brings a new vantage to life because it is a bridge to higher dimension.


Getting in Touch with Your Power Animal


Who Knows More, People or Animals?