Getting in Touch with Your Power Animal

Mature people naturally try to figure out what their personality and life’s purpose is. They may take a Myers-Briggs test, check their horoscope, and even check what their power animal might be. This archetypal connection is about what the animal represents and how it resonates with you personally. Though we may have lost our connection with nature, we still want to connect with our inner self. The best way to do this is with your power animal.

Your relationship with your power animal is highly personal. Once your power animal appears in your life, you can make a conscious agreement to accept or reject it. The information you receive may come because you asked or were ready to move ahead. It is up to your power animal to reveal itself. You will know in your heart when your power animal appears. Give it time as it may appear in a number of ways. You may feel it, see it, hear it, or dream of it. When your power animal appears, it will stand out and you will know it. It will not happen by chance.

When you start on this path to learn about your power animal, it is probably preferable to begin by making a bond with only one power animal. The first thing to be aware of is that you don’t simply choose your power animal. It’s more accurate to say that you choose each other. Just like people, power animals have their own agenda and style. Each animal is unique and can teach us something different. No animal is more powerful than another no matter what their size. What’s most amazing is that the power animals are under the guidance of the Creator to support humanity.


Why Animals are Special


The Transformative Power of Your Power Animal