Journeying to a Hidden Universe

Most people do not know that through a process known as shamanic journeying they can find a new dimension in their lives. Pursing and finding this new reality barely touches the grandeur, power, and mystery of the universe. When people enter a shamanic state of consciousness, they often cry tears of ecstasy when undergoing and recounting their experiences. It is almost like a near-death experience (NDE) without going through the trauma of almost losing your life. Similar to NDE’s, people that do shamanic journeying undergo a personal transformation as they discover the incredible love and beauty of the invisible, spiritual universe. They experience a renewed sense of life as they learn that everything is alive and that we are all connected.

Shamanism is a great mental and emotional adventure, where one transcends their ordinary reality. It is an ancient and time-tested method of tapping into the human mind and spirit, which leaves behind existing cultural belief systems and assumptions about reality. There are several shamanic methods to find, restore, and maintain personal power. These systems do not require any overt changes as it only awakens what is already there. People living their life in ordinary reality may have a reluctance or prejudice against its concept. However, there are many dimensions and states of consciousness out there, just waiting to be discovered.

There are many benefits of recognizing alternate realities or hidden dimensions. In fact, shamanic journeying is safer than dreaming because you can extradite yourself voluntarily at any time. Although it is a transcendent state of awareness, you are fully aware and retain your mind’s freedom. Incredibly, it is a yet unknown beautiful world where knowledge for healing, protection and guidance is retrieved. For some it is a place to feel the oneness and love of the universe. Since many of these ideas and experiences go beyond Western psychology, medicine, and spirituality, they usually take some time to get use to and assimilate. Ironically, it is much older than the time-tested existing traditions that we are used to.


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