Albatross, the Longest Flying Bird

The albatross is highly proficient in the air. The albatross has the largest wingspan of any bird – up to 11 feet. It usually flies by using strong wind currents. This dynamic soaring method preserves the energy and ensures longer flights. The albatross can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. It can fly far and long for weeks at a time without a rest. The albatross has a big head with strong, hooked beak. Since the albatross mainly eats slippery prey, its beak has sharp blades on the side to prevent loss of the catch. The albatross has an excellent eyesight and sense of smell. It can find prey even in the dark. The albatross searches for the prey from the sky. When the potential target is detected, the albatross rushes toward the water and dives to grab it. The albatross has long lifespan and can survive up to 60 years in the wild. 

If your power animal is the albatross you’re quite capable of going the distance when involved in a long-term project. You have a great deal of resilience and are able to bounce back quickly from any hardship. You shoulder the responsibilities placed upon you and have the strength to tackle any endeavor without giving up. You appear to be on a quest, searching for deeper meaning and knowledge throughout your lifetime. You know how to break out, try new paths, and seek the advantage of the road less traveled. The albatross knows how to move through conditions in life that seem treacherous, turning winds and water to its advantage. The albatross is able to easily balance and handle stress. The albatross resilient and is a symbol of patience and tolerance. 



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