Why Did God Create Power Animals?

The presence of God is within every being, even the smallest being like the ant. In fact, every atom in the universe is connected and can communicate their wisdom and power if we could listen. Animals especially inspire people and as a result are the object of many art forms. Expressions of animal art forms have always been instrumental in the remembering of indigenous values and traditions. In the past, a vision attained animal painted on a cave wall, a shield, or on a lodging is understood to be fully present with all its powers.

Archaeological evidence suggests that shamanic methods of communicating with animals is at least twenty or thirty thousand years old. Today this knowledge survives mostly by people of indigenous or what civilized people would call primitive cultures. Most people’s ancestors used forgotten methods and knowledge of the spirit world to deal with the trauma of life and death by connecting with their spirit animals as their link. They naturally explored an alternate realty or a hidden universe that was vastly different from this ordinary world. The academic reluctance to take seriously this spiritual reality continues to the present time.

There has always been an interdependence between people and animals. The connectedness between humans and the animal world is very basic to human life. In fact, with the widespread scientific belief that humans and animals are biologically related, it is not surprising considering that indigenous understanding has had the same idea for a long time. Most Westerners are very surprised to discover the reality of embracing and being embraced by their power animal. The capability of the power animals to communicate testifies to their oneness with the Source. What’s amazing is that people have always had the ability to connect with their power animal but don’t know it. While not universally known, the guardian power animal is another beautiful gift from the Creator.


Journeying to a Hidden Universe


Why Animals are Special