The Meadowlark Welcomes Spring Each Year

The song of the meadowlark bird is of pure, melancholy whistles. Western meadowlarks seldom sing more than 12 songs while their eastern counterparts have a larger repertoire of over 50 song variations. In the field, the song is often the easiest way to tell the two species apart, though plumage differences do exist. The meadowlark usually sings facing the sun, as if his own warm color is drawn magnetically toward its source. They live in open grasslands, meadows, pastures, fields, and the edges of marshes. Meadowlarks are ground foragers that feed mainly on insects, but also eat seeds and berries. When bird breeding season is long gone and the vast majority of migratory songbirds have left for points south, the meadowlark still sings. In the spring, the western meadowlark is harbinger of better times ahead. The meadowlark sings songs so that everyone can enjoy them.

If the meadowlark is your power animal, you’re a warm, gentle individual. You have a sunny disposition and definitely brighten things up wherever you go. You attract others quite easily because you accept people for who they are. You speak your mind openly and live your own truth without judging others. You enjoy each day, seeing the best in everything and everyone. You stay grounded and levelheaded yet have the ability to soar. The meadowlark represents the masculine sun and the feminine moon. Within your own duality, you find peace and contentment in the beauty of balance. The meadowlark will not hesitate to take aggressive action in order to preserve nature’s way. Self-confident and optimistic, the meadowlark’s insight understands how all things are connected. The meadowlark is a symbol of the cheerful times ahead.


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