Understanding the Elephant Energy

Elephants captivate our hearts and imaginations. Despite their long history alongside humans, we have only recently begun to truly understand and explore the internal workings of these beautiful creatures. They astound us with their size and strength, such a contrast with their gentle nature and delicate touch. The memory of elephants is legendary, and for good reason. Elephants remember other elephants and individual humans for years — even decades —after they last saw them. Not only are elephants astonishingly good at identifying and remembering individuals, but they can also identify different human language, even the sex and age of the speaker. Elephants are highly social and highly intelligent creatures, and they demonstrate behaviors we humans easily recognize as compassion, kindness and altruism. Elephants live in a matriarchal society as a herd is led by the most knowledgeable female, usually the oldest because she's had the longest time to gather vital knowledge. In fact, elephants may be one of the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom.

If the elephant is your power animal, you have an insatiable hunger for knowledge and continually seek to understand things. You have brains as well as brawn and your memory are amazing. Once you set your mind to something, there’s nothing that will stop you from obtaining it. You’re extremely intelligent and will make an excellent researcher or scientist. You’re at your best doing some kind of political or social work. At all times, even in difficult circumstances, you are loyal to your family and friends. You feel things deeply and respond from a place of inner knowing. You lend your enormous power to whoever needs it. Dedicated to all, you are tough when protecting others and gentle when nurturing them. You have a soft spot for the weak.


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