Beavers Are the Hardest Workers

Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges. Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators and to float food and building material. The beaver population decline is the result of extensive hunting for fur, for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because the beavers' harvesting of trees and flooding of waterways may interfere with other land uses. Beavers have webbed hind-feet, and broad, scaly tails. Beavers do not have good eyesight, but they possess good senses of smell, hearing, and touch. Their teeth grow continuously throughout their lives so as not to be worn down by chewing wood. Their powerful front teeth are used to cut trees and plants used by beavers for food and for constructing their homes. While slow on land, beavers are excellent swimmers and are able to stay under water for around 15 minutes. Beaver personalities are very creative. They desire to solve everything and take their time to do it right.

 If your power animal is the beaver, you’re a “doer,” and willing to do what it takes to get the job done. Hard working and industrious, you like to stay busy and usually have several projects going on at the same time. Your determination and resourcefulness enable you to succeed at whatever you do. You work much better as a team player and prefer projects that involve others. You genuinely try to get along with everyone. You are very loyal and tend to make lifelong friendships. No matter what obstacles appear, you stick to a task until it is completed. The work you do contributes and benefits the greater good. You are reliable and ingenuous. The beaver likes to build on dreams to start new and creative projects. The beaver knows when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play. The beaver is a symbol of patience, persistence, and detail.


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