The Unflappable Crane

Cranes are the tallest and arguably the most elegant of all flying birds. More closely related to rails and bustards than herons, ibises and storks, they are known best for their unwavering faithfulness to mates, spectacular courtship displays, large size, long migrations, and loud calls. Cranes have a wide range of behaviors depending on their purpose. They migrate between 1,000 and 3,000 miles a year. Cranes can sustain speeds of 30 mph by flying by flapping wings, yet they prefer to save energy by rising in thermals and being carried by winds. Cranes choose their partners based on dancing displays and keep others away by ruffling feathers, flapping wings, hissing, and kicking their feet forward. Cranes are admired for their grace and beauty. They are symbols of love, happiness, martial fidelity and longevity. They are also a common motif on kimonos, scrolls, screens, porcelain, lacquerware, bronze mirrors, and playing cards. Paper cranes are folded as a sign of peace.

 If your power animal is the crane, you are unflappable, moving through life without worrying or hurrying. You have an uncanny gift of knowing what will happen before it actually does. You can succeed at whatever you undertake because you know how to stay focused, conserve your energy, and pick your battles wisely. You are very sensitive to any changes in the environment, yet you can be so focused for long periods of time that you disregard what’s happening around you. You’re great at successfully mediating among adversaries by appealing to their feelings and their intelligence. You love the wonders of creation and express yourself eloquently through dancing and music. The crane is known for its beauty, wisdom, and communication skills. The crane is a symbol of good fortune and longevity.


The Virtues of the Owl


The Meadowlark Welcomes Spring Each Year