The Solitary Marlin is Fast and Furious

A sleek, powerful fish, the marlin is deep blue on the upper half of its body and silvery white underneath. The marlin's body is densely covered with bony scales. It has a long, sharp-pointed bill and a rounded dorsal fin. The tail fin is large, stiff, and deeply forked. Blue marlins prefer the higher temperature of surface waters, feeding on mackerel and tuna, but will also dive deep to eat squid. They are among the fastest fish in the ocean, and use their spears to slash through dense schools, returning to eat their stunned and wounded victims. Black Marlins are found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Occasionally found in waters off Australia's southern areas during the summer months. Black Marlin are a highly mobile fish that inhabit almost any depth in the ocean, but usually prefer areas well offshore. Their top speeds of 60 miles an hour on migrations that can span 9,000 miles. Marlins live a primarily solitary life. They swim alone and only interact with other members of its species during the breeding season. The largest, always female, weigh in at over 1,000 pounds.

If the marlin is your power animal, you have the power of solitary confidence that demonstrates an inward peaceful strength. You know how to move with high bursts of speed and endurance in the changing pressures of daily life. The marlin shows how to be powerful by using mental or emotional acrobatics. The marlin loves to be alone, not because they fear the company of others, but because they are a lot more comfortable being alone. Communication, tact, and the power of words play an important part of what the marlin teaches. The marlin knows how to balance day with night with the moon playing an important part of the cycle. The “lucky” marlin feels confident that they can do everything on their own, thinking only weak people need the help of others. The marlin can easily pierce the shell of an enemy with their wisdom in the art of speech. 


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