The Versatile Goose is Protective and Loyal

Geese are independent and intelligent creatures. Geese are adept fliers who may travel thousands of miles during their yearly migrations. Flocks fly in a characteristic “V” formation so that the geese in front reduce the air resistance for those behind them, which helps the birds fly about 70 percent farther as a group than they could on their own. Geese are skilled at living in human-altered areas, geese have established breeding colonies in urban and cultivated habitats, which provide food and few natural predators. Geese are primarily herbivores although they sometimes eat small insects and fish. Their diet includes green vegetation and grains. Geese eat a variety of grasses when on land. Geese also eat beans and grains such as wheat, rice, and corn when they are available. In the water, it feeds on aquatic plants like plant-like algae, such as seaweeds. Geese are very loyal. They mate for life and are protective of their partners and offspring. Multiple families of geese come together to form a larger group called a gaggle, in which birds look out for each other. There are usually one or two “sentries” who keep watch for predators while the others feed. 

If the goose is your power animal, you are kind, intelligent, loyal, caring, and brave. You are diplomatic, strong-willed, and multifaceted. You love your freedom and have the ability to soar to great heights. Traditional values and your ancestral heritage are important to you, as are your family and friends. You possess an innate wisdom about life here on earth and know how to make the best of most situations. You know when to lead and when to follow. You’re good at setting your boundaries and aggressive at keeping them in place. You are a clearly identifiable communicator and concerned member of your community. Your greatest desire is to manifest the “good life” for your family and society. Balance and acceptance are essential for the goose. The goose is a symbol of instinct and intuition. 



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