The Anteater Goes It Alone


Anteaters are independent mammals prepared to defend their territories. They weigh from 40 to 140 lb and have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell that they use for foraging and feeding. In fact, their sense of smell is 40 times more powerful than that of a human. Their body temperature is low so they can tolerate greater fluctuations in body temperature than most mammals. Anteaters are specialized to feed on small insects. Anteaters never destroy a nest, preferring to return and feed there again, Giant anteaters have to visit up to 200 nests of ants and termites a day to satisfy their caloric requirements. Anteater habitats include dry tropical forests, rainforests, grasslands, and savannas. Lost of their habitats, due to farmers, new roads, and hunting have put them on the most threatened list. They are not aggressive, but their 4” claws are dangerous to any predators.

The anteater is a solitary individual, preferring to go it alone most of the time. They rely on your own skills and methods instead of following the crowd. They aren’t satisfied with the obvious; rather they probe beneath the surface to discover the truth. They are naturally inquisitive and can sniff out trouble with little difficulty. The lumber along at a leisurely pace most of the time but when they need to they can move pretty fast. Anteaters are careful about their food intake, never eating too much. They don’t like to stay in one place for too long but prefer to wander about. When they settle down, they’re very guarded about their personal territory. The anteater has the ability to smell out and dig for solutions, including finding lost objects. The anteater is a symbol for the quest for opportunity. 


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