The Resourceful Raccoon is Clever and Mischievous

The raccoon is an omnivorous and opportunistic eater, with its diet determined heavily by its environment. It is nocturnal mammal, foraging and feeding mostly at night. Common foods include fruits, plants, nuts, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs, and crayfish. In urban environments, the raccoon often sifts through garbage for food. Originally raccoons lived in the tropics where they could be found foraging along riverbanks. There they live in tree cavities or burrows emerging at dusk to hunt frogs and crustaceans while keeping an eye out for predators such as coyotes and foxes. Over time they moved north up the continent, successfully adapting to new territories and expanding their diet. Though previously thought to be quite solitary, there is now evidence that the species congregates in gender-specific groups. The raccoon's paws look a little like human hands. The raccoon's toes are flexible, and it is very good at grabbing, pulling things apart and holding things. The raccoon is a very good climber and can go down a tree backwards or face first. Its most distinguishing characteristic is that is has a black mask around its eyes.

 If the raccoon is your power animal, you are smart, adventurous, and determined to get what you want. Although friendly and gentle, you can react fiercely when you feel threatened. You are neat, clean, and organized. You are quite adaptable and feel at home just about anywhere. You tend to be both shy and charismatic but once you get to know people, you are a very sociable. You are an excellent problem solver and very resourceful when solving mysteries. You are gifted with an intuitive mechanical ability and express your creativity well with your hands, whether through sculpting, painting, or writing. You have an insatiable curiosity that can occasionally blind you to the dangers of exploring what you are interested in. The raccoon is calm under pressure and knows how to mask their intentions. The raccoon is the symbol for ingenuity, dexterity, and many identities.


The Anteater Goes It Alone


The Agile Cheetah Has Speed and Stealth