The Agile Falcon is Precise, Fast, and Wise

The falcons, one of the fastest predators, use a variety of techniques to seek, attack, and kill prey. Peregrine Falcons catch birds in the air with swift, spectacular dives, called stoops. In cities they are masterful at catching pigeons. Elsewhere they feed especially on shorebirds and ducks. They often sit on high perches, waiting for the right opportunity to make their aerial assault. Scientists estimate that falcon vision is eight time better than humans. They have been clocked at speeds of 242 miles per hour while diving for prey, making them the fastest recorded animal ever. Though they are just medium size predators, they are the consummate hunters of the avian world—able to spot, chase and kill prey quietly and efficiently. Falcons are alert, imaginative, and spontaneous, always acquiring new skills. They are wild at heart, very proud, and very courageous.

If the falcon is your power animal, you have a sharp mind and are very agile. You’re tactful, diplomatic, an astute strategist, and gravitate to any work that utilizes these talents. You know how to mentally work out problems and are always at least three steps ahead of your peers and competition. You don’t get bogged down with everyday details and duties. You are a very intense individual with an awesome ability to mentally focus without distraction. You are ingenuous and can change directions quickly. You have the patience to wait in order to get the most out of any opportunity. The falcon has impeccable timing and knows exactly when to strike for the most benefit. The falcon can observe any situation with great clarity.


The Confident Lion Has Power, Stability, and Patience


Nothing Gets By the Meerkat