Nothing Gets By the Meerkat

The meerkat is slender and has a large collection of vocalizations to signal many different emotions. The meerkat is characterized by a broad head, large eyes, a pointed snout long legs, a thin tapering tail and a brindled coat pattern. Meerkats are very sociable and tend to live in large socially structured groups of between 30 and 40 individuals. These colonies inhabit a network of very large tunnels that allow them to resist strong temperatures during the day and seek refuge during the night. Meerkats have the ability to regulate their body temperature to survive in their harsh, dry habitat. Meerkats start their day with grooming or lying in the sun. During the rest of the day, they forage for food. They occupy home ranges around 2 miles large and possess strong nails for breaking rocks and digging. They also have 36 very sharp teeth which allows them to tear meat apart. There is a social hierarchy with generally dominant individuals in a pack that breed and produce offspring while the nonbreeding, subordinate members providing altruistic care to the pups. Meerkatsare extremely playful, engaging in mock fights and scampering in races. 

If the meerkat is your power animal, you are a very grounded individual with a strong connection to Mother Earth. You’re deeply intelligent and perceptive, able to learn and assimilate information quickly. You are capable of accomplishing anything you want to. You see what everyone else sees but on deeper and multiple levels. You’re at your best when surrounded by close family members or friends. The meerkat knows how to live, breathe, and sacrifice for the dynamics of the group. The meerkat keeps the group lively by removing anything that is making it boring. The meerkat is alert and watchful. It’s highly unlikely that anyone will be able to get anything past a meerkat without them noticing it. The cautious meerkat loves family and really enjoys relaxing and playing.


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