Mouse PDF Download
You are very organized, always putting things in their proper place and able to easily keep track of things. You can discern what is important and what is not. You have a gift for paying attention to the minutest of details in everything you do. You can clearly discern which details are the important ones and which ones do not need your attention. You feel most comfortable with steady routines, on the job and at home. You tend to be rather timid and shy in time of stress. Your heightened awareness of your surroundings allows you to spot danger long before others around you do. You usually prefer a subordinate role to one with much visibility. The mouse is sensitive, meticulous, determined, and independent. The adaptable mouse quietly accomplishes their responsibility without much attention. The mouse symbolizes detailed order.
You are very organized, always putting things in their proper place and able to easily keep track of things. You can discern what is important and what is not. You have a gift for paying attention to the minutest of details in everything you do. You can clearly discern which details are the important ones and which ones do not need your attention. You feel most comfortable with steady routines, on the job and at home. You tend to be rather timid and shy in time of stress. Your heightened awareness of your surroundings allows you to spot danger long before others around you do. You usually prefer a subordinate role to one with much visibility. The mouse is sensitive, meticulous, determined, and independent. The adaptable mouse quietly accomplishes their responsibility without much attention. The mouse symbolizes detailed order.
You are very organized, always putting things in their proper place and able to easily keep track of things. You can discern what is important and what is not. You have a gift for paying attention to the minutest of details in everything you do. You can clearly discern which details are the important ones and which ones do not need your attention. You feel most comfortable with steady routines, on the job and at home. You tend to be rather timid and shy in time of stress. Your heightened awareness of your surroundings allows you to spot danger long before others around you do. You usually prefer a subordinate role to one with much visibility. The mouse is sensitive, meticulous, determined, and independent. The adaptable mouse quietly accomplishes their responsibility without much attention. The mouse symbolizes detailed order.
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