The Very Social Duck Can Swim and Fly With the Best

Ducks are an aquatic bird found throughout the world on every continent except Antarctica. They can be found in a range of both freshwater and saltwater habitats, including marshes, rivers, and oceans. They are highly intelligent and emotional creatures that can understand commands, play with toys, play games, give kisses, and beg for food. If handled frequently and gently from an early age, ducks will become quite sociable with people. Ducks have wide, strongly webbed feet that help them be powerful, efficient swimmers and in many cases, agile divers. The feet often have durable talons that help the birds grip different surfaces on land as well, including slippery rocks and branches, even if their body structure does not support agile walking. Ducks are fast flyers but not as long necked as geese and swans. Ducks have a strong sense of community and live life in the present. 

If you’re power animal is the duck, you’re amiable, accessible, and quite emotionally expressive. You’re very generous, kind, caring, and willing to give to anybody. You are a social person with a strong sense of community. You prefer being in places where you feel comfortable and have a tendency to not challenge your own comfort zones. You feel best when you are connected with others and enjoy being part of the flock. You do not hold grudges although you are unafraid to have a disagreement with someone. You are very good at staying in the moment and enjoying life in the present. You are skilled at helping others through their emotional entanglements, guiding them through the rough waters of life loving. The duck can uncover a deeper understanding of the significance behind seemingly simple things that others take for granted.


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