The Sensitive Frog is the Most Diverse Amphibian

Frogs are amphibians that are known for their jumping abilities, croaking sounds, bulging eyes, and slimy skin. They live all over the world and are among the most diverse animals in the world, with more than 6,000 species. Frogs have very good eyesight as their eyes bulge out the sides of their heads in order for the frog to see in nearly all directions. Frogs also have amazing sense of hearing. They possess smooth, moist skins. Many are predominantly aquatic, but some live on land, in burrows, or in trees. Frogs have very powerful back legs and webbed feet that help them jump great distances as well as swim.  Frogs even use their legs to dig, or burrow, underground for hibernating. Certain frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap. Frogs are valued as food by humans and also have many cultural roles in literature, indigenous symbolism, and religion. They are also seen as environmental bellwethers with declines in frog populations often viewed as early warning signs of environmental damage. 

If the frog is your power animal, you’re a very sensitive and compassionate person and can express deep feelings in words and actions. Your intuition is deep, and you have an innate creative ability. You are a great listener, charmer, and advice giver. You’re able to cope with change and to make transitions smoothly. To others you initially seem rather remote and self-absorbed, yet once they get past their first impressions of you, they discover the depth and nobility of your character. The frog’s strategic mind can anticipate the moves of others before they happen. The frog is a friend who can wash doubts away by knowing how to get in touch with emotions. The frog likes to think situations through long before they are ever encountered. The frog is associated with magic and symbolizes transformation, cleansing, healing, and rebirth.


The Inquisitive Chipmunk is a Mr. Know It All


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