The Wolf Answers the Call of the Wild


Wolves are misunderstood by many to be aggressive, vicious animals who attack with no provocation. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, wolves go out of their way to avoid fights. However, when they want to deter an attacker, they will stand their ground and fight. The wolf is an adaptive,  protective provider for the wolf pack. Their commitment to the family is very strong and their communication skills are remarkable. The average wolf pack size is 5-8 wolves but can be up to 30 or more. Their average speed is 5 mph but they can travel up to 35 mph. They have about 200 million scent cells and can smell other animals for more than a mile away. Besides superb smell, they have excellent eyesight and hearing. Wolves, being silent, are very alert to the smallest changes in their world.

The wolf exemplifies intelligence, faithfulness, and endurance. They like adventure and being free but are totally responsible toward their pack. Wolves are natural-born teachers, imparting knowledge based on their experience. Wolves simply don’t accept limitations when it comes to something they’re passionate about. Their independent nature compels them to seek their own path in life. The wolf is generous, warm-hearted, and perhaps a bit stubborn. Connecting with the wolf power animal is beneficial since it imparts strength and confidence. The wolf represents an innate nature to go on journeys to places they haven’t explored yet – to answer the call of the wild.


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