The Graceful Butterfly is Truly Inspiring

The butterfly undergoes a process called complete metamorphosis during its life cycle. This means that the butterfly changes completely from its early larval stage, when it is a caterpillar, until the final stage, when it becomes a beautiful and graceful adult butterfly. The butterfly life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The caterpillar sheds it skin 5 times, then becomes a pupa. The last time a caterpillar sheds, a hard casing called a chrysalis forms around the body. Inside the chrysalis, the pupa is growing 6 legs, a proboscis, antennae, and wings. After 10-15 days, the chrysalis breaks open and a butterfly emerges. Butterflies are complex creatures. Their day-to-day lives can be characterized by many activities which include basking, puddling, and migrating. Butterflies are selective about what they eat and roam about and look for suitable food over a broad territory. In most cases, adult butterflies are able to feed only on various liquids. The coloration and pattern of a butterfly's wings may enable it to blend into its surrounding for defensive camouflage. Some may even look like dead leaves on a twig when they are at rest with their wings closed.

If the butterfly is your power animal you adjust to change very readily and easily. Carefree and curious, you want to experience everything that life has to offer. You blend grace with tenacity and are probably tougher than you appear. You have a profound appreciation for the natural cycles of life/death/rebirth that occurs within and around you. You have a great deal of vitality with exotic and colorful tastes in your choices of clothing, décor, art, music, and even friends. You’re very attractive so people are naturally drawn to you. You are extremely sensitive to the harmony of the earth but you don’t do well in harsh or toxic environments. The butterfly awakens us to dance on the winds of life, teaching that growth doesn't have to be painful. The butterfly brings joy and lightness to life. The butterfly is a symbol of transformation, joy, and immortality.


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