The Patient Turtle is the Longest Lived Reptile on Earth

Turtles are among the oldest reptiles having evolved millions of years ago. All the turtle’s senses are well-developed, and they are used in avoiding predators and in finding and capturing food. Turtles spend most of their lives in water. They are adapted for aquatic life, with webbed feet or flippers and a streamlined body. Sea turtles rarely leave the ocean, except to lay eggs in the sand. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes, and they climb out of the water onto logs or rocks to bask in the warm sun. Tortoises are land animals. Their feet are round and stumpy, adapted for walking on land. They also dig burrows with their strong forelimbs and slip underground when the sun gets too hot. Terrapins live on land and in water, usually in swamps, ponds, lakes and rivers.  Most turtles can pull their head and flippers inside to protect themselves inside their hard, protective shell. The green turtle helps keep nearshore ocean habitats healthy, acting a bit like a gardener. Just like mowing the lawn keeps your lawn full and green, a sea turtle’s grazing helps keep seagrass beds healthy and plentiful as trimming the ends of the seagrass stimulates new growth. Turtles are quiet, shy, and harmless yet display unusual intelligence.

If the turtle is your power animal, you move a lot slower than the world around you and take your time to make decisions, but you still get the job done. Persistent and patient, you know how to take it slow rather than burning yourself out. You are very organized and have exceptional navigation skills so you can find your way through almost anything. In the end, you usually reach your destination successfully. No matter where you are, you have a very strong attachment to your home and always end up returning there. You’re self-reliant and self-determined with a remarkable ability to stay focus in spite of what’s going on around you. You have an intense concern for your friends and are very willing to listen to other people’s problems. The turtle lives a simple and happy life and is closely connected with Mother Earth’s energy. 


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