Our Natural Connection to Animals

Our connections with the animal kingdom shows itself in a variety of ways. Animals are everywhere including cities, the country, forests, water bodies, the sky, parks, and of course, zoos. Go to any number of stores and you’ll see animal icons depicted in artwork, books, magazines, jewelry, and fabrics. Fairy tales are filled with stories of animals as are animal metaphors in our daily life. Most athletic teams choose an animal as a mascot because of their extraordinary capabilities. Some examples include the Chicago Bulls, the Denver Broncos, the Baltimore Orioles, the Chicago Bulls, the Los Angles Rams, the Seattle Seahawks, and the Miami Dolphins. In addition, many groups and organizations are named after animals such as the the Elks, the Lion’s Club, and the Navy Seals. Humanity is so interwoven with animals that we may take them for granted.

Animals have a way of deepening our appreciation of the magic and mystery of nature. They are the most calm yet liveliest part of the creation. One of the advantages of working with power animals is that they are spiritually always with us. Power animals are hoping that humanity can understand who they are so their can be a mutually beneficial relationship. Understanding their role and our role among all living and non-living things is important. Truth be told, animals have a deep purpose to help raise humanity’s consciousness.

Power animals brings a unique wisdom derived from their attributes. Anyone’s personal power can be magnified by having daily conversation with their power animal. Building that relationship is both rewarding and exciting. Maybe that is why Indigenous people often referred to them as relatives, as brothers and sisters. In mythology and old legends, animals and people spoke the same language and formed deep bonds. From a spiritual perspective, animals are people in animal guise. In fact, the DNA of people and animals are very similar including a consciousness that is connected to the Divine.


Animals and People Need Each Other


Imagine the Possibilities