The Goose is Loyal & Faithful


Geese migrate thousands of miles to breed, find food, and to seek shelter from harsh winters. They are one of the most intelligent birds and are exceptionally loyal mates and parents. They rely on the flock for support, protection, and community equality. When they fly together, they know exactly where they are going and how to get there. Geese have good memories and do not forget people, animals, or situations. They constantly shift formation, creating drafts and easier flights for those behind them. They never fly directly behind one another. The V-formation reflects their receptivity to new possibilities and ideas. The goose symbolizes determination, purposeful movement, and the ability to design their own life’s journey.

As they get older, geese become more family-oriented and domesticated, while younger goslings are more on the wild side. Yet eventually, acceptance, balance, and stability become their primary objectives. Geese have an innate drive that pushes them forward. They are such workhorses that they give everything in whatever project they’re occupied in. They’re good at setting boundaries and aggressive at keeping them in place. Geese are immensely territorial. If anyone gets too close, they will honk wildly as a warning, and if someone comes any closer, they will bite.

The hard-working goose is caring and brave. The loyal goose never leaves a hurt flock member behind. They have the excellent abilities to walk, swim, and fly beautifully. Being social by nature, geese are sensitive and appreciate everything around them. They develop strong relationships through their excellent communication skills. They are strong-willed yet very diplomatic. They lead with compassion and know how to follow perfectly. They have a strong desire to live a virtuous life. The goose values tradition and ancestral lineage.

Geese desire large families since it’s natural for them to nurture. They love to travel to familiar places. When it comes to friends and family, the goose makes sure that they are always cared for emotionally and through acts of service. The goose cares for the downtrodden – the sick, frightened, or broken – where they serve as a protector and watcher. Their other admirable traits include reliability, guidance, and teamwork. 

Call on the goose power animal when you want to find yourself or better understand your soul’s mission. The goose gives the strength to see the journey to the end and lends support whenever and wherever you need it. When life is too much to handle, it’s time to work with the goose. If the goose is your power animal, encouragement comes naturally as they help navigate your journey to find new and exciting adventures.


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