The Independent Community Minded Bee

The bees that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us much of the food we eat. They also sustain our ecosystems and produce natural resources by helping plants reproduce. Pollinating bees travel from plant to plant carrying pollen on their bodies in a vital interaction that allows the transfer of genetic material critical to the reproductive system of most flowering plants. Somewhere between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination. In fact, bees pollinate approximately one-third of the food we eat. Throughout history, the work ethic of the bee has been admired. The ancient Egyptians venerated them and were the first documented civilization to domesticate bees. The Minoans of ancient Greece revered them because of the teamwork a beehive represented. This teamwork is perhaps most evident in the life of the worker bee. As their name implies, workers are the laborers of a beehive or colony. They are responsible for gathering food, protecting the hive, and caring for the young bees. Bees have 5 eyes and can fly at a speed of 20mph. An average beehive can hold around 50,000 bees. They have legs built for carrying pollen and a barbed stinger for hive defense. Worker bees function in several roles within the hive. They act as nurse bees taking care of the young bees and the queen, as housekeepers who work to clean and expand the hive and as foragers and scouts who bring back food and seek out new hive locations. Bees have evolved flight muscles that very different from other insects.

If your power animal is the bee, you’re industrious and committed to whatever task you’re working on. You are quite capable of being successful at anything you attempt. You understand the proper use of your own energy and how to enjoy the sweetness that life brings. Your intentions are always focused on a clear path and goal in life. You have the ability to accomplish the impossible over and over again. You are both social and self-sufficient but function best with others. Your team spirit enables you to greatly increase your output. Your focused work ethic always gets the job done. The bee is good at creating community and highly valued products. The bee symbolizes hard work, devotion, service, personal power, prosperity, and fertility. The bee will rarely sting unless provoked.


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Power Animal of the Month - Penguin