Crows Cawing Means Caution

The crow occupies a prominent place in ancient traditions, folklore, and mysticism worldwide. They are honest, loyal, straightforward, and very intelligent. The crow is a messenger for everything and everybody. The crow understands the deep mysteries of life and knows how to decipher what is going . They are very watchful and will defend their friends to the utmost. The crow has magical abilities and knows what is about to happen. Their “caw, caw, caw” is loud because they want everyone to what is coming. Whether people want to hear it or not, they are not afraid to speak the truth. Usually, it is a warning that something good or bad is coming soon. Their “caw” literally sounds like “caution.” When you hear it, you’ll know something unexpected is coming, so get ready for a change.

Crow people are very resourceful, effective at using whatever is available to create what they want or need. They enjoy learning new things and eagerly share their knowledge with others. They prefer to spend time with their closest friends and family and are fearless when it comes to protecting them. They are keen observers and nothing gets by them. They willing to speak out when they feel that something is out of harmony with spiritual law. They are always mindful of others since they have a great deal of personal integrity. They walk their talk, state the truth, and embrace their life’s mission. Crow people know how to shift through life’s tasks easily since they live in the now. Using ancient wisdom and magical abilities, the crow is a teller of omens.


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