Deepening Your Connection With Your Power Animal

Humanity’s interest with animals dates back to pre-history. They have been interwoven into the fabric of religious beliefs of both the Old and the New World. Evidence of humanity’s preoccupation with animals is found throughout Europe, especially in the Mediterranean region, from the cave paintings of southern France to the temple excavations throughout Egypt. In fact, there was a strong association between gods and animals with some of the first divinities actually being animals. Unfortunately, though our ancestors deeply valued and honored animals, it has been mostly forgotten.

The qualities attributed to animals by society are so universal, that the noted psychologist Karl Jung characterized them as part of man’s collective unconscious or cultural memory. In Europe, the Celts with their Druid priests preserved the memory of the worship of animals, attributing the magic to the animals themselves. The Celtic view of animals most closely resembles that of the Native Americans. However, much of this understanding was lost over time due to church influence or to Renaissance thinking. Luckily, there has always been indigenous people around the world that have kept alive the tradition of the sacred bond between people and nature.

Native American tribes taught that people must learn from their environment and from the animals in particular. People are meant to adapt to their surroundings, finding their place in the world rather than trying to bend it to their will. People are part of the environment like the plants and the animals and are supposed to be responsible caretakers. There have always been a sensitive minority of humanity that understands the incredible value that animals play in our lives. Unfortunately, in the march to modernity, humanity has devalued the human-animal relationship. We are now paying the price of the separation of humanity and nature.

Whether people believe it or not, there are many lessons to be learned from our fellow creatures who have live in this world far longer than humankind. The animals in particular are our mentors and have a unique gift of wisdom to share. They have adapted and survived all the global disasters and climatic changes. To survive, humanity needs a different perspective – one in which animals and humanity are interdependent as true brothers and sisters. Will we learn from our animal friends and adapt to our environment or become another species doomed to extinction? Believe it or not, animals have a vantage point about life that is linked to the Creator. How else can they all be so fearless, compassionate, graceful, sensitive, strong, wise, caring, adaptable, brave, forgiving, and optimistic?


Are Power Animals for Real?