Finding Yourself Through Your Power Animal

There are various ways to connect with your power animal. For example, indigenous people would go on a vision quest or a shamanic journey. At times, a particular animal can appear in a dream or just literally show up. When we perceive that an animal is reaching out, it is because there is a similar resonance or vibration between the two of you. Instinctively, not only the animals are looking to connect with people, but people are looking for their similarities in the animal world. In fact, one reason people visit zoos, aquariums, and farms is because they are unconsciously looking for their power animal.

As you begin to listen to the wisdom of the animals, you start to realize they are our guardians, companions, and healers. Animals not only possess different qualities and abilities, they also possess an eternal spirit. Just like people, they have the ability to transmit spiritual energy to others in order to bring needed healing. Many scientific studies shows the therapeutic value of having a relationship with animals. As a matter of fact, more people are communicating with animals through telepathy opening up a whole new world. 

Once you establish and build a loving relationship with your power animal you can understand what they can do for you and what you can do for them. Power animals offer guidance in order to cope with challenges better. They also enjoy experience the sensations of being physical though their human counterpart. In fact, when you communicate more deeply with your power animal, you can experience the magic of healing.

Your power animal can help maximize your potential that was previously untapped. As you feel closer to your power animal, you can begin to assimilate their qualities and the behaviors. When people morph into animals, they can become busy as a bee, fierce as a lion, see like a hawk, strong as an ox, sly as a fox, mad as a hornet, stubborn as a mule, proud as a peacock, and quiet as a mouse. Since animals can see and hear considerably better than humans, learning about their enhanced abilities gives a profound new respect for the animal kingdom. What is amazing is that you can draw upon the energies of any and all power animals by just using creative visualization.


Understanding Power Animals


Power Animals Help Us Become Better People