Identify Your Power Animal

When you identify your power animal, you will begin to understand yourself more. You will be able to build a unique relationship along with a new look at reality. You may find fresh inspiration, creativity, and support companionship. Power animals provide uncommon wisdom and encouragement. Your connection with your power animal is a dialogue of the highest spiritual order. Indigenous traditions consider animals to be our teachers, our elder brothers and sisters. A relationship with your power animal can deepen and widen your experiences with all parts of nature.

Our power animal is a protector like a guardian angel, with the form of a mammal, a bird, a reptile, a fish, or insect. They give us strength though difficulties or dangers. They build our self-confidence to help overcome our weaknesses. They help us adapt to new situations by shedding new light on it. Power animals help us in the self-reflective process when handling loneliness or fears by getting us in touch with our divine nature.

People are inspired to find out that animals can teach us important lessons about life. Their loyalty, wisdom, care and strength are always something we can count on. People are amazed how brilliantly animals can run, swim, and fly. Some of our animal expressions include: runs like a deer, swims like a fish, busy as a bee, wise as an owl, sees like a hawk, and flies like an eagle. When someone is doing something fishy, is outfoxed, or skunked we can understand something about the situation without a lot of words. Learning the sounds and motions of animals not only teaches about life but how we can emulate the animals.

Getting closer to nature enables us to awaken to the spiritual side of our lives. The most common beliefs from the past are that spiritual guides use animal imagery to communicate their messages to humans. Ancient societies studied the natural world in order to understand the supernatural. The study of animals is the easiest way to understand how the spiritual realm is manifesting within our natural life. By appreciating the power animals gifts and skills we will naturally want to connect with their energies.

The best way to honor your power animal is to consistently remember and make a relationship with it. Even though your power animal exists in another dimension, it is with you. Relating to your power animal is a natural give and take process whereby you mutually express appreciation. By doing this you invoke their energies more effectively and raise your own vibration. It will assist you in discovering your hidden potential and latent value. By adopting newly honed skills and talents with your power animal, your life can progress successfully.  

After discovering your power animal, you may find they come to you in dreams, meditations, or with new ideas just popping into your mind. You will come across pictures, signs, and decorations in which your animal is depicted. Books, myths, and other depictions of your power animal may also cross your path. You may encounter and received regular confirmations that your power animal is with you. These synchronous experiences will become more and you may soon be exploring your power animal's habitats and behaviors with greater frequency.


Power Animals Help Us Become Better People


Why Do We Need Power Animals?